Why our service is the best

You will find these qualities in our service


You can’t be without a working appliance for long. We are able to fix most appliances within 24 hours. When parts have to be ordered then your machine will be repaired as soon as they come in.


Are intention is to get your machine working with the least amount hassle. We will only use the best quality spare parts. This will prevent secondary faults, and ensures your machine will have the longest possible life.


We will provide ongoing information through our blog and YouTube video’s. Making it possible to hang on to older appliance’s when economical. Also giving you clear advice when it’s time to replace your machine.


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Get in Touch

Find us at the office

4 Epping Glade, Chingford
London E4 7PQ


Give us a ring

Laurence Gilder
Mobile: 07865 058560,   
Tel: 020 8926 3311
Mon - Fri, 8:00-17:00 
Sat, 8:00 -12:00 

Contact Us